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Weight Loss

Promote weight-loss through healthy lifestyle habits and eliminate excess toxins from the body. It is only really worth losing weight if you never put it back on. This is our objective and where there are no prohibited foods, but rather avoiding the wrong combinations.

With our Food and Behavioural Re-education Program appropriate to your body composition, environment and experience, it may be possible to eliminate excess weight and fat as long as you follow the recommended guidelines and adopt healthier lifestyle habits.

This personalized program, which starts with the Nutrition Consultation and Body Composition Analysis, can provide weight reduction without any risks and implement the practice of healthier eating and living habits.

It may be possible to prevent diseases related to wrong eating, to reach normal weight and to increase the well-being and the joy of living, which is much needed today.

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Feel Good With Your Food

Some people believe that healthy foods are tasteless and boring, but nothing can be further from the truth. The next time you're in the mood for something tasty, choose avocado. This wonderful fruit is rich in magnesium, which is excellent for muscle recovery.

It also contains 14% of your recommended daily dose of potassium, and helps to regulate fluid balance and to control the electrical activity of the heart and other muscles.

Eating a balanced diet means eating foods from the top five groups. Dietary guidelines change over time, as scientists discover new information about nutrition. Current recommendations suggest that a person's dish should contain mainly vegetables and fruits, some lean proteins, some dairy products and soluble fibres.

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Helping you to delay your biological clock.
Your actual age is your body's biological age, based on lifestyle, genetics, and medical history. Depending on how you take care of yourself, your actual age may be younger, or older, than the calendar indicates.

The advancement of scientific knowledge increasingly demonstrates that certain options, in the way of managing health, can delay and reverse the aging process. Even decisions made late in life can make a difference.

The biological aging process has 3 phases:
The first phase occurs between the ages of 30 and 45, there are already some wrinkles, an increase in the abdomen, some white hair and some organic dysfunctions may appear.

The 2nd phase takes place between the ages of 45 and 65, when the greatest number of chronic degenerative diseases appears.

The 3rd phase appears after the age of 65, the age at which most of the characteristics of aging appear.

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The Longevity Formula

That we make available through the Anti-Aging program covers healthy eating, regular practice of physical exercise, stress, weight and fat control, emotional balance. The quickest way to slow our biological clock is to fill what is missing within the body - vitamins and minerals - and remove what is in excess - toxic metals, free radicals and fat.

In order to detect imbalances in the body that in time that can lead to premature aging, an Orthomolecular check-up is essential. Our wellness partner CLÍNICA DO TEMPO® offers its Orthomolecular Check-Up that includes the Mineralogram, the Vitamin Profile, the Toxic Metals Survey and also the videomicroscopy optics that measures the percentage of free radicals and detects a number of changes that the body may be suffering.

The Food-Allergic Profile that distinguishes which foods, food compounds and preservatives may trigger hypersensitivity, intolerance or food allergy in humans and which constitute a breakdown and stress factor in the body, making it difficult to lose weight.

The Biological Age Assessment helps to determine your biological age and the state of your organism. The Orthomolecular Check-Up can be complemented with the Genetic Check-Up - Personal DNA Analysis and is part of our Anti-Aging Program. 

Please request a Clínica do Tempo® Orthomolecular Check-Up below

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Dietary & Nutritional Tips

Fish: Consuming fish has long been recommended as part of a nutritious diet that allows for a longer life. Rich in high quality proteins, vitamins and healthy oils, fish is therefore considered a healthy and advantageous choice.

Changing needs: Dietary needs change throughout life, from receiving a good diet during pregnancy to ingesting the nutrients necessary for life outside to age in a healthy way. Consult one of our nutritionists to prepare your personalized diet plan, according to your age, your needs and your eating habits.

Essential vegetables: A typical salad starts with raw vegetables, such as lettuce, spinach, kale, mixed vegetables or arugula. However, you can also add several other raw vegetables on top. The most popular are chopped carrots, onions, cucumbers, celery, mushrooms and broccoli. These vegetables are a source of fibre and plant compounds that bring great health benefits. Eating raw vegetables is associated with good spirit and good mood.

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The Best Anti-Aging Cream in the World

Dr. Humberto Barbosa, internationally recognized and awarded as the World Leader in Anti-Aging has found a way to help people rejuvenate their skin and delay their aging process in a totally natural way. Its unprecedented formula prevents all signs of aging while moisturizing, protecting and nourishing the skin, leaving it rejuvenated and resplendent from the first application. To order Time Emulsion at €350.00 per 50ml (inc vat plus P&P) please contact us below.

Seasonal diet: We should also eat the proper seasonal foods because they were created to provide our bodies with exactly what we need, when we need it most. The sun provides us with certain vitamins and gives us heat, so when there is less daylight, it is important to eat foods that complement this deficiency, as well as those that keep our bodies warmer.

It Is Only Worth Losing Weight If You Never Put It Back On

All wellness experiences will be customised to your personal preferences.
"Be prepared to be inspired"
Email: enquiries@redcarpet.co.uk
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Call us on
+44 (0) 207 562 8355
+44 (0) 7802 485556

